Webinar 4

With over 200 people attending, our fourth live Skyline Tutorial Webinar on Tuesday, February 10 featured 1.5 hour sessions (both morning and afternoon) on targeted method design with an intro to this foundational topic and extensive webinar tutorial by Brendan MacLean.  

Additionally, we featured a sneak preview by Brian Pratt of a new component under development  --  small molecule targeted support in Skyline. Small molecule support will be added to the next full Skyline release but for those that want to get a head start, it is available in Skyline-daily.

Targeted Method Design Resources for this Webinar:

  • The questions about TMD were flowing so to see written answers, go to the Q&A page.  
  • Below are the data sets, tutorial files and presentation slides for Skyline Tutorial Webinar #4: Targeted Method Design with Skyline.
  • At the very bottom of this page is also a composite video recording of the presentations, tutorials and both live Q&A sessions.  For ease of navigation, the video has an indexed table of contents and links to specific sections of the webinar.  

Hope you see you all at another Skyline Tutorial Webinar! 

-- Skyline Team

Brendan MacLean
(Principal Developer)


Presentation Slides

Chromatogram Library
on Panorama

Tutorial Files (51 MB)




Brian Pratt

Presentation Slides

Review Webinar 3

PRM Targeted Proteomics Using Full-Scan MS
See video, presentation slides, and other files presented at the webinar.

Review Webinar 5

Targeted Method Refinement
See video, presentation slides, and other files presented at the webinar.

Small Molecule Tutorial

This new written Small Molecule Targets tutorial covers in writing the new small molecule features presented by Brian in this webinar and now available in Skyline 3.1. Learn more in a step-by-step 9 page tutorial with example data.