Title | | » | Create matching small molecule versions of all standard peptide reports in Document Grid |
Assigned To | | » | Brian Pratt |
Type | | » | Defect |
Area | | » | Skyline |
Priority | | » | 3 |
Our change to remove peptide-only features in small molecule mode resulted in the loss of some useful reports.
There is currently no equivalent to:
"Peptide RT Results", which has headers
Peptide,Protein,Replicate,Predicted Retention Time,Peptide Retention Time,Peptide Peak Found Ratio
"Transition Results", which has headers
Peptide,Protein,Replicate,Precursor Mz,Precursor Charge,Product Mz,Product Charge,Fragment Ion,Retention Time,Area,Background,Peak Rank
Either we need to add reports, or just include these and do the peptide->molecule UI magic on them.