Issue 953: add a code inspection test to check that the start page Tutorials tab uses the same links as the Tutorials tests

Assigned To: Brian Pratt
Type: Defect
Area: Skyline
Priority: 3
Milestone: 4.3
Opened:2023-05-09 15:36 by Brian Pratt
Changed:2023-05-09 15:36 by Brian Pratt
2023-05-09 15:36 Brian Pratt
Title»add a code inspection test to check that the start page Tutorials tab uses the same links as the Tutorials tests
Assigned To»Brian Pratt

Chris Ashwood (DailyRequests, Small Molecule Special Interest, UGM Registrees, 2022 Skyline Online Instructors, 2022 UW Course Instructors) created a new request    2023-05-09
Dear Skyline team,

I hope you're doing well. I've been showing a colleague Skyline and she has been following the tutorials, but had been using the tutorial tab on the Skyline Start Page instead of the website. She hit a few snags with the tutorial steps because the tutorial links are to the older versions of the tutorials, specifically related to importing transitions as that interface has changed since the tutorial was made. She is now using the web page for the tutorials but I could see other Skyline users possibly using the Tutorial tab instead of the website and getting confused

I've only checked the small molecule tutorials, but it might help other users if the tutorial links are updated in the app (the tutorial page is up to date as far as I can tell):
Small molecule quantitation (Skyline links to the 20_1 version but it should be 21_2)
Small molecule targets (Skyline links to the 20_1 version but it should be 21_2)
Hi-res metabolomics (Skyline links to the 20_1 version but it should be 21_2)
