Title | | » | Stategies for reducing ExceptionWeb reports for already-solved issues |
Assigned To | | » | Brian Pratt |
Type | | » | Todo |
Area | | » | Skyline |
Priority | | » | 3 |
Lately I've been seeing a lot of reports for problems that are already solved in recent releases:
Perhaps Skyline's unhandled exception reporter code could check for a newer version of Skyline and suggest that the user give that a try.
To be most effective, I suppose we'd want to suggest Daily in addition to regular releases.
If things are really wrapped around the axle, it might not be practical to phone home so simply adding language about making sure you're up to date might make a difference (or perhaps we already do, I didn't look).
Another no-contact strategy: check today's date against the date encoded in the version number, and suggest that anything older than six (? three?) months is likely ripe for updating.