Issue 887: Smooth handling of .skyp file for server lacking credentials

Assigned To:Vagisha Sharma
Opened:2022-05-02 16:33 by Brendan MacLean
Changed:2022-10-19 15:19 by Vagisha Sharma
2022-05-02 16:33 Brendan MacLean
Title»Smooth handling of .skyp file for server lacking credentials
Assigned To»Vagisha Sharma
Vagisha, if you prefer to have someone else do this, please assign to Kaipo.

When I downloaded a .skyp file from a Thermo test server I got the following error:

There was an error downloading the Skyline document specified in the skyp file:
The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
You may have to add as a Panorama server from the Tools > Options menu in Skyline.
OK Cancel

When I click OK, I am shown the Options form with the Panorama tab active. This form is not correctly parented, because it shows up in the Alt-Tab list and if I switch away and then activate Skyline by clicking the Task Bar, Skyline reactivates without the form showing but disabled so that it rings when I click on it. So, parenting should be fixed in this case.

To get what I want, I now need to click Edit List and then Add, and then I need to copy and paste the server URL into the URL field of the form. I just gave up reaching this last step during the demo.

I would prefer to just be shown the Panorama Server configuration form with the URL for the server pre-populated and just have to enter my credentials and click OK, and that would be enough to open the file.

2022-05-03 06:57 Vagisha Sharma
Assigned ToVagisha Sharma»Kaipo
I will not be able to get to this until after May Institute, so I am assigning this to Kaipo. Thanks, Kaipo.

2022-05-03 10:24 Brendan MacLean
Notify»Vagisha Sharma
This is totally not urgent. It would be nice to see fixed in 22.1, but that is likely July at this point.

2022-10-19 15:19 Vagisha Sharma
Assigned ToKaipo Tamura»Vagisha Sharma
NotifyVagisha Sharma»Kaipo Tamura