Issue 1009: bottleneck in spectral library viewer when attempting to access ion mobility values

Assigned To: Brian Pratt
Type: Defect
Area: Skyline
Priority: 3
Milestone: 4.3
Opened:2024-02-08 10:55 by Brian Pratt
Changed:2024-07-29 13:30 by Brian Pratt
Resolved:2024-07-29 13:30 by Brian Pratt
2024-02-08 10:55 Brian Pratt
Title»bottleneck in spectral library viewer when attempting to access ion mobility values
Assigned To»Brian Pratt
In ViewLibraryDlg.InitializePeptides() there's a comment "Don't do this for peptides until we have performance issues worked out", but with the feature finding work, large small molecule libraries are common so the bottleneck reappears. And, ion mobility for peptides is increasingly common so this needs fixing anyway.

It seems to be spending a lot of time in Model.Lib.BiblioSpecLiteLibrary.GetRedundantSpectra - and a lot of that deciding which columns to use to pull ion mobility information. We should be able to cache the detected columns information, and also short circuit the whole thing by checking for ion mobilty type == 0.

2024-02-22 12:19 Brian Pratt
This is fixed in the Feature Finding branch

2024-07-29 13:30 Brian Pratt
resolve as Fixed
fixed in commit b5b0d400be0a90f3bdda72c07a5772dfae3655ff 2/29/2024