Issue 1003: Fix TransitionGroup.GetTransitions() for small molecules to use library information when available

Assigned To: Brendan MacLean
Type: Defect
Area: Skyline
Priority: 3
Milestone: 23.2
Opened:2024-01-24 15:41 by Brendan MacLean
Changed:2024-01-24 15:41 by Brendan MacLean
2024-01-24 15:41 Brendan MacLean
Title»Fix TransitionGroup.GetTransitions() for small molecules to use library information when available
Assigned To»Brendan MacLean
The implementation of TransitionGroup.GetTransitions() appears not to have been updated to support the advances in small molecule spectral library support. Specifically, this section of code:

            // For small molecules we can't generate new nodes, so just mz filter those we have
            foreach (var nodeTran in groupDocNode.Transitions.Where(tran => tran.Transition.IsNonPrecursorNonReporterCustomIon()))
                if (minMz <= nodeTran.Mz && nodeTran.Mz <= maxMz)
                    yield return nodeTran;

            if (!sequence.IsProteomic) // Completely custom CONSIDER(bspratt) can this be further extended for small mol libs?
                yield break;

Should be updated to pay attention to a spectral library, if present, and the Transition Settings - Library tab - Pick [ ] product ions - and I guess [ ] minimum product ions.

A good test case is provided by the new File > Import > Assay Library test for small molecules. Once you have the assay library imported:
1) Refine > Advanced > Auto-select all [x] Transitions, OK
Note: This alone should reduce the number of transitions, because the default Pick product ions count is 3 and many of the precursors have 4 library transitions.
2) Change Pick product ions to 2 and then 4 and verify that the transition counts in the precursors change to match the settings.
3) Change Pick minimum product ions to 4 and 5 and verify that the precursor counts change to match these expected values.
Note: You can also use the Document Grid to show transition counts for the precursors and verify that these numbers change as expected for the cases above.