Keep on the same Replicate mh167  2014-01-17 07:09
Dear Brendan,

I was trying to check the result of all replicates. For example, Peptide A to C and Replicate 1 to 3. Skyline always stick on Replicate 1 ( first one in document)when I check different peptide. Everytime I select different peptide, Skyline jump back to Replicate 1 no matter which Replicate I am looking at. Did I select any setting?

I am using Skyline-daily on Windows 7/64bit machine.
Thank you for your help.

Nick Shulman responded:  2014-01-17 10:19
This is caused by a bug in the Results Grid, such that when it displays new data it puts the current row up to the top, and then it also sets the replicate to the first one.

One way to work around this problem would be to close the Results Grid. When the Results Grid is not showing, you will not have this problem.

The other way to work around this problem is to turn off "Synchronize Selection" on the right-click menu of the old Results Grid. Unfortunately, the Results Grid that you get by default in Skyline Daily does not have a right-click menu. In order to get to that right-click menu you have to temporarily turn off "Live Reports" (Tools>Options>Miscellaneous), show the Results Grid (which will be the old results grid, with the navigation bar at the bottom, and no "Views" menu), right click on that Results Grid, and uncheck "Synchronize Selection". Then you can go and turn back on "Live Reports" (Tools>Options>Miscellaneous), but you need to exit Skyline in order to see the new Results Grid again.

This will be fixed in the next update of Skyline Daily.
Thanks for reporting this!
mh167 responded:  2014-01-17 10:35
Hi Nick,

Thanks for your help. I follow your second suggestions and now fix the problem.
Looking forward to the next update.

dawn.r.dufield responded:  2017-08-16 12:09
I have a similar question. When I try to change the integration of a replicate it jumps to the last replicate in the list. then I have to navigate back to the one I was on to see if it changed the integration. I read your post above and tried to close results grid and turned off synchronization and still see the same issue. Any help?

Nick Shulman responded:  2017-08-16 19:46
Can you send us your Skyline document?
In Skyline you can use the menu item:
File > Share
to create a .zip file containing your Skyline document and supporting files including extracted chromatograms.

You can post that .zip file here:

I cannot think of anything that would cause the behavior you are seeing but I will try to get it to happen with your file. Let me know which peptide and replicate you were editing.
dawn.r.dufield responded:  2017-08-17 19:36
Ok I loaded the zipped file. It jumps on most of the replicates I tried so probably any. I was looking at some in the middle around the QC's

Brendan MacLean responded:  2017-08-18 07:33
Another thing that can cause unexpected changes in the active replicate tab is a setting you can reach through right-clicking on the Targets view and then choosing Replicate. There you will find the choices "Single" and "Best". If "Best" has a check beside it, switch back to "Single". This has caused people confusion in the past. The "Best" option was implemented for someone working with fractionation data, where each target might appear in only one replicate.

Note that this would not necessarily be something that will be reproducible with your file since it depends on a local Skyline settings that someone looking at your file may not have set. Even if it is not this particular setting, it is still quite possible that it will come down to a particular setting on your computer, since the behavior you describe is atypical. You might try reproducing your problem on another computer if there are others nearby. I am sure Nick will try today with the file you posted, but you could also try yourself there.

Thanks for posting about your experience on the Skyline support board and helping us to track down the issue.

dawn.r.dufield responded:  2017-08-18 11:07
Hi Brendan,

That may be the case, it does seem to go to the highest peak, but I cannot find the screen you are talking about. Can you help me navigate to the correct place?

dawn.r.dufield responded:  2017-08-18 11:45
Found it, That seemed to fix it.

Brendan MacLean responded:  2017-08-18 14:19
Good to hear! Have a nice weekend.