Target peptide monitoring using DDA Orbi-Lumos LFQ data kmsd  2022-10-19 08:36

Hello, I have a list of peptides that I want to monitor against lumos LFQ (DDA) raw data file. I know there are lot of good articles and Ques/Answer available in skyline but I am new in this platform and need some guidance. Can someone direct me how to do this using skyline weblinks/tutorials etc?


Nick Shulman responded:  2022-10-19 19:48
You might want to start with the DDA search tutorial:

This tutorial will show you how to use Skyline's built-in peptide search engine (MS Amanda).

If you have your own peptide search results maybe you should do the MS1 full scan filtering tutorial. That is an older tutorial which was written before Skyline had its own peptide search engine.
