Could not find precursorId error when trying to use BlibBuild to convert .speclib library to .blib rwwwq  2022-02-06 09:51


I am trying to use BlibBuild part of BiblioSpec to convert a .speclib and its corresponsing .tsv report to a .blib file. The only tool I am aware of that can do this is BiblioSpec. I have a folder with a .speclib file and its .tsv report, and when I try and run BlibBuild, I get an error saying the precursorId could not be found in the report TSV file and suggesting that I have the incorrect report file. I've attached the data files I am using and my command prompt. Note: There are no other files in the NewData folder where I keep the .speclib and .tsv. I would appreciate feedback on what's causing the issue or if the support team knows of another tool I can use to convert .speclib to .blib, it would be greatly appreciated.



Nick Shulman responded:  2022-02-06 12:30
The things in example-lib.speclib file look like this:
whereas the precursor id's in the example-report.tsv file look like this:

Do you maybe have a different .tsv file on your computer which has a Precursor.Id column which contains things like "(mTRAQ)AAAAAAALQAK(mTRAQ)1"?

I do not actually know how this is supposed to work, so I can't speculate about what might be going wrong. I imagine someone who is more of an expert on BiblioSpec will be able to give you a better answer tomorrow.

By the way, here is a different support request where someone else had a problem of BiblioSpec using the wrong .tsv file:
This other person's problem sounds different than yours, but there might be some useful information in that other support request.
-- Nick
rwwwq responded:  2022-02-07 19:27
Hey Nick,

It appears the fix for unlabelled data is to filter the report.tsv file by global q-values less than 1%. As for labelled data, we are still looking into how we can work it into BlibBuild. Just wanted to post this in case others have this problem in the future.

Thanks for the help!