How To Delete Replicates? dperez2697  2021-05-05 02:22


this is my first post, I didn't manage to find an answer elsewhere, I'm not very familiar with the request platform for now. So my question is very simple, I do not know how to delete a replicate. In fact I can close the window where my replicate is by clicking on the cross on top right but it don't delete the replicate. It is possible to do it? I tried by searching in all the tools on the bar on the top (EDIT, REFINE, VIEW, TOOLS...), but I found anything.

Thank you in advance for your answer, have a nice day.

David Pérez

dperez2697 responded:  2021-05-05 02:38

Oh I finally found it, just need to go to EDIT > Manage Results > Remove

Sorry for the request message,

Best regards,

David Pérez