Prosit unavalaible laure bastide  2021-02-26 06:21
Hello Skyline team !

Thank you very much for your wonderful work !
When I am trying to do a Prosit Library this message appears and the server is unavailable when I am going to Tools > Options > Prosit.
Is there anything that you can do ? (It seems like a repetitive issue...)
Maybe it is not a problem with skyline and I create an issue too in the Github of Prosit but no answer so far.

Thanks a lot for your help and I wish you a good week-end !

Status(StatusCode=Unavailable, Detail="failed to connect to all addresses")
OK More Info
pwiz.Skyline.Model.Prosit.PrositException: Status(StatusCode=Unavailable, Detail="failed to connect to all addresses") ---> Grpc.Core.RpcException: Status(StatusCode=Unavailable, Detail="failed to connect to all addresses")
   à System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   à System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   à Grpc.Core.Internal.AsyncCall`2.UnaryCall(TRequest msg)
   à Grpc.Core.DefaultCallInvoker.BlockingUnaryCall[TRequest,TResponse](Method`2 method, String host, CallOptions options, TRequest request)
   à Grpc.Core.Interceptors.InterceptingCallInvoker.<BlockingUnaryCall>b__3_0[TRequest,TResponse](TRequest req, ClientInterceptorContext`2 ctx)
   à Grpc.Core.ClientBase.ClientBaseConfiguration.ClientBaseConfigurationInterceptor.BlockingUnaryCall[TRequest,TResponse](TRequest request, ClientInterceptorContext`2 context, BlockingUnaryCallContinuation`2 continuation)
   à Grpc.Core.Interceptors.InterceptingCallInvoker.BlockingUnaryCall[TRequest,TResponse](Method`2 method, String host, CallOptions options, TRequest request)
   à Tensorflow.Serving.PredictionService.PredictionServiceClient.Predict(PredictRequest request, CallOptions options) dans C:\proj\skyline_20_2_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\ProtocolBuffers\GeneratedCode\PredictionServiceGrpc.cs:ligne 96
   à Tensorflow.Serving.PredictionService.PredictionServiceClient.Predict(PredictRequest request, Metadata headers, Nullable`1 deadline, CancellationToken cancellationToken) dans C:\proj\skyline_20_2_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\ProtocolBuffers\GeneratedCode\PredictionServiceGrpc.cs:ligne 86
   à pwiz.Skyline.Model.Prosit.Models.PrositModel`6.Predict(PredictionServiceClient predictionClient, TPrositIn inputData, CancellationToken token) dans C:\proj\skyline_20_2_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Model\Prosit\Models\PrositModel.cs:ligne 230
   --- Fin de la trace de la pile d'exception interne ---
   à pwiz.Skyline.Model.Prosit.Models.PrositModel`6.Predict(PredictionServiceClient predictionClient, TPrositIn inputData, CancellationToken token) dans C:\proj\skyline_20_2_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Model\Prosit\Models\PrositModel.cs:ligne 234
   à pwiz.Skyline.Model.Prosit.Models.PrositModel`6.PredictBatches(PredictionServiceClient predictionClient, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor, IProgressStatus& progressStatus, SrmSettings settings, IList`1 inputs, CancellationToken token) dans C:\proj\skyline_20_2_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Model\Prosit\Models\PrositModel.cs:ligne 314
   à pwiz.Skyline.Model.Prosit.PrositLibraryBuilder.BuildLibraryOrThrow(IProgressMonitor progress, IProgressStatus& progressStatus) dans C:\proj\skyline_20_2_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Model\Prosit\PrositLibraryBuilder.cs:ligne 112
   à pwiz.Skyline.Model.Prosit.PrositLibraryBuilder.BuildLibrary(IProgressMonitor progress) dans C:\proj\skyline_20_2_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Model\Prosit\PrositLibraryBuilder.cs:ligne 68
Brendan MacLean responded:  2021-02-26 06:48

Please check that you are using the most recent patch to version 20.2. We had to update the certificate since the first release. The ProteomicsDB team assured us the server is running and they do not immediately see a problem.

If you feel you are using the latest, please confirm the version number you see in the Help > About form.

Thanks for posting to the Skyline support board.


laure bastide responded:  2021-03-02 02:36

Hello !
Thank you very much for your really quick response !
I feel I am using the latest version of Skyline (see picture in attachment).
Thank you very much !


Brendan MacLean responded:  2021-03-02 17:03

Hi Laure,
I think you are going to need to work with your IT, because I get the green "Server online" indication when I do this both from UW and from home.

I suggest you try this from a few other places, like other machines at your institution and your home, if possible. It does not appear to be anything specific to your Skyline version, nor does it appear to be a problem with the server itself.

Sorry to hear that the problem has persisted for you this long.


laure bastide responded:  2021-03-03 07:14

Hi !
You are right the problem was our web access ! Now it is solved.
Again, thank you very much for your quick help and I am sorry to have disturbed you for almost nothing...

Have a good week,
