Calibration curve X axis Analyte Concentration/Light:Heavy con ratio Zac  2020-08-14 12:52

I have calibartion curve data with heavy labelled peptides for normalization. For most peptides the x-axis of the calibration curve is Analyte Concentration but for one peptide this changes to Light:Heavy concentration ratio. Not sure how to standardize all peptides to show Analyte concentration, the X-axis values are also different.

Nick Shulman responded:  2020-08-14 13:09
That means that you have specified the "Internal Standard Concentration" for that particular peptide. If you blank out that value, the X-axis will go back to normal.

If you have specified the Internal Standard Concentration for a peptide, Skyline divides the X values by that number. In this way, if the Internal Standard Concentration that you have specified is close to what the actual concentration of the heavy peptide, then the slope of the calibration curve will be close to 1.

-- Nick
Zac responded:  2020-08-14 14:15
Thanks, where is the setting for 'Internal Standard Concentration' I don't recall changing anything for this particular peptide.
Zac responded:  2020-08-14 14:19
Ok, found it. Thanks for help