Calculation of asymmetry factor and tailing factor of chromatographic peaks Juraj_Lenco  2019-08-06 07:19
Hi, it would be great, and I guess appreciated by many users, if Skyline could determine asymmetry factor and tailing factor of chromatographic peaks. Skyline can determine peak widths at 50% intensity or at baseline so far. Unfortunately, the width at 50% intensity is not sufficient for assessing chromatographic peaks quality. The peak width at baseline is almost never used in LC-based analytical chemistry since it is challenging to determine real peaks boundaries . The peak width at baseline should be thus replaced by asymmetry factor and tailing factor that are very popular methods of measuring peak shape in chromatography.
Nick Shulman responded:  2022-12-26 08:51
The next update of Skyline-daily will have some new columns available:
Peak Standard Deviation

I am not sure exactly when the next update of Skyline-daily will come out. Probably in a week or two.
I hope these new columns will be useful to you. Let us know if there is anything you would want changed or added.
-- Nick
roman sakson responded:  2022-12-27 12:55
Very cool, looking forward!
