Data points per peak sstoychev  2018-09-18 06:21


Is there a way to extract information on data points per peak from a large DIA dataset so can see the data distribution and if on average there are enough data points to peak to perform good quantitation?

Nick Shulman responded:  2018-09-18 10:13
The "Points Across Peak" number is available in the document grid. It lives on the "Transition Result" (Proteins > Peptides > Precursors > Transitions > Transition Results).

You can find the column by using the binoculars button on the Customize View dialog.

Skyline does not provide any histograms or anything with the Points Across Peak number. You would have to do that in some other tool such as Excel.
sstoychev responded:  2018-09-18 10:22
Found it, thanks Nic, very handy :)