Peak Area Histogram and 2D Histogram sstoychev  2018-09-17 00:00

Hi guys,

When I try to ploy the Peak Area Histogram or 2D Histogram get a message saying "Not enough data". This is from a DIA dataset with over 15,000 peptides integrated and most with q-values below the cut-off of 0.01 but even without the cut-off still can't plot this data.



Nick Shulman responded:  2018-09-17 11:59
Can you send us your Skyline document?

In Skyline, you can use the menu item:
File > Share > (complete)
to create a .zip file containing your Skyline document and supporting files including extracted chromatograms.

You can upload that .zip file here:

-- Nick
sstoychev responded:  2018-09-17 13:07
done file name is
Nick Shulman responded:  2018-09-17 14:11
That view works for me (see attached screenshot).

I think maybe you have chosen something on the right-click menu which is preventing any points from being displayed.

For instance, if you have chosen "Group By > BioReplicate" then it will say "Not enough data" because, since the each replicate has a different value for BioReplicate in the dataset, there is nothing for Skyline to calculate CVs from.

If this still isn't working for you, can you attach a screenshot of what you're seeing?
sstoychev responded:  2018-09-17 14:42
Must be something else since I've tried group by ""all replicates" and ""condition"" but still same message "not enough data points"" see attached
Brendan MacLean responded:  2018-09-17 14:58
I am going to guess it is right-click > Transitions > Precursors is what you have set, and you will see the histogram if you use right-click > Transitions > Products. I just made the switch on your document, and it does have this effect.

This has bitten me before, and I personally think we need to fix this to not even offer this option in documents like yours without precursor ions.

Sorry for the confusion. Thanks for reminding me we need to fix this.

sstoychev responded:  2018-09-17 22:30
You are spot on! Thank you. Now that you have highlighted it seems like a very obvious thing I should have checked but completely missed it :)