Integrate fixed window meowcat  2018-08-21 01:52


is there a way to set Skyline to not perform any peak detection, but just integrate from a fixed time t1 to t2? I have a few cases where this is a relevant use case.

I know I can do that manually for a substance (small molecule transition or I guess also peptide) by setting a peak window and then doing "Apply to All". However, to do this for 20-100 substances, for every batch I analyze, is very time-consuming.

The transition properties "Explicit Retention Time" and "Explicit Retention Time Window" are apparently not for this, right? They will just choose where to look for a peak. Maybe one could add a checkbox "use fixed window integration" for each transition.

Thanks for the great work, by the way!

Nick Shulman responded:  2018-08-21 04:36
The way to tell Skyline exactly where to integrate each chromatogram is with the menu item:
File > Import > Peak Boundaries

Here is a page that talks about importing peak boundaries: