How to set up explicit retention time window? kang-yu peng  2018-08-21 01:21

Dear Skyline Team,

Thank you for developing such a wonderful software and offering it for free.

I just started using Skyline two weeks ago to do targeted lipidomics. I have searched a few small molecule tutorials, but could not find the input format for the explicit retention time window column. I will need to pick up several (like 3 in some samples) peaks within a selected time range, so the retention time window will be handy. Please let me know how that can be done, or point to the right tutorial to look at for me.

Best Regards


Brian Pratt responded:  2018-08-22 10:56
There is a column that you can enable in the Edit>Insert>TransitionList dialog, called "Explicit Retention Time Window".

Note that if your transition list uses header column names that Skyline recognizes, you can just copy and paste right into the Targets window.

Thanks for using the Skyline support board!

Brian Pratt
kang-yu peng responded:  2018-08-22 19:52
Hi Brian,

Thanks for your answer. What I am asking is the input format for explicit retention time window, that is, what I enter into the cells if I want Skyline to integrate from, for example, 3.2 min to 3.9 min? I have tried "3.2-3.9", "3.2/3.9" "3.2,3.9" and none of them worked. It only takes a number. However, it doesn't seem to define any time ranges either, even if I put in both the explicit retention time and the explicit retention time window values. I have attached an example and hopefully this will help.

Best Regards

Brian Pratt responded:  2018-08-22 21:04
There are two columns in play there - Explicit Retention Time, and Explicit Retention Time Window.

Explicit Retention Time is the center of the RT range, Explicit Retention Time Window is the width of the range.

So for your example, RT 3.55 with a window of 0.7

But Skyline will look within that window for the best single peak rather than lump peaks together. The range is used as a peak search boundary rather than as an instruction to add up everything within the boundary.

So, not quite the answer you were hoping for, sorry.


kang-yu peng responded:  2018-08-22 21:14
Hi Brian,

Thanks! Now I understand how it works.

Best Regards
