Select and show peaks within a specfic retention time window amy nguyen  2018-07-18 12:30


I an trying to selection and show a peak at 4.5 min on my chromatogram. I also have a peak at 4.2 mins where I dont want to be shown on the chromatogram. Is there a way to selection peaks on this was with croping the retention time window.


Brendan MacLean responded:  2018-07-18 16:33

Hi Amy,
Skyline has quite a bit of flexibility on what gets shown in its graph windows. You can alter what is showing interactively using the following gestures:

  1. Click-and-drag a rectangle in the graph region to zoom to the selected area.
  2. Hold the Ctrl key down, click-and-drag to pan the graph without zooming.
  3. Place the mouse cursor left of the y-axis or below the x-axis and move the mouse scrollwheel to zoom in or out in a single dimension (with mouse-centered zooming)
  4. Place the mouse cursor over a point in the graph area and move the mouse schrollwheel to zoom in or out on the area over which the cursor is positioned. (right-click in a Chromatogram graph and uncheck Auto-scale Y-axis to zoom enable zooming in both dimensions).
  5. Right-click in the chromatogram graph and choose Properties to set explicit minimum and maximum intensities (y-axis) or a time range around the apex of the chosen peak (either in minutes or relative to the width of the integrated range - default 3.4x the peak width at base).

Perhaps the last one, #5, is closest to what you have requested directly. It allows you to show a specific time range on the x-axis centered around your chosen peak. If you prefer not to have the peak centered in the graph, then you will have to use the Ctrl-Click-and-Drag option I mentioned in #2.

Hope this helps. Good luck with producing exactly the plots you are hoping for. Again, you can always use right-click and choose Copy Data to get the graph data onto the clipboard for use in Excel or statistical plotting packages like R or Python.
