MS Stats installation sstoychev  2018-06-29 08:51

Hi guys,

I'm struggling to install MSStats. Have tried via Skyline - External tool store as well as manually downlaodimg the from here

In both instances getting the same error: "Failed attempt to extract the tool from The system can not find the specified file"

System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): The system cannot find the file specified
at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at pwiz.Skyline.ToolsUI.RUtil.RunRscript(String pathToR, String pathToScriptFile) in c:\proj\pwiz_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\ToolsUI\RInstaller.cs:line 438
at pwiz.Skyline.ToolsUI.RUtil.WhichPackagesToInstall(ICollection1 packages, String pathToR) in c:\proj\pwiz_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\ToolsUI\RInstaller.cs:line 405 at pwiz.Skyline.SkylineWindow.InstallProgram(ProgramPathContainer programPathContainer, ICollection1 packages, String pathToPackageInstallScript) in c:\proj\pwiz_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Skyline.cs:line 4938
at pwiz.Skyline.Model.Tools.ToolInstaller.UnpackZipTool(String pathToZip, IUnpackZipToolSupport unpackSupport) in c:\proj\pwiz_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\Model\Tools\ToolInstaller.cs:line 384
at pwiz.Skyline.ToolsUI.ToolInstallUI.InstallZipTool(Control parent, String fullpath, InstallProgram install) in c:\proj\pwiz_x64\pwiz_tools\Skyline\ToolsUI\ToolInstallUI.cs:line 133

Nick Shulman responded:  2018-06-29 12:43
When you tell Skyline to install the MSstats external tool, does Skyline make you install R (even though you know you already have R installed)?

If that is happening, then it could mean that you have told the R installer not to write to the registry the fact that it got installed.
The way to fix this is to tell the installer that you want to customize startup options, and make sure that the "Save version number in registry" checkbox is checked. (See attached picture "CustomizeRInstallationOptions.png".

Another thing that might be happening is that the information in the registry is incorrect.

Skyline looks in two different places to figure out whether R is installed. You can use the program "regedit.exe" to look in the registry. This program comes installed with Windows and you can use the Start Menu to launch it.

Use regedit.exe to look in the following locations:
and if Skyline does not find anything there, it looks in:

I have attached a picture of what my regedit.exe looks like when I go to the first one of those. I do not have anything in the registry at the second location so I cannot show you a picture of it.

I believe the first location in the registry is what gets used if you install R for "All Users", and the second is where it would be recorded if you only installed R for your own username.

Can you post a screenshot of what your registry looks like in those two locations?
sstoychev responded:  2018-07-02 00:33
Hi Nic,

So the installation does not get as far as R, the error message occurs whilst MSStats is being downloaded.

R is not installed in either of the two locations (see attached screenshot).
Nick Shulman responded:  2018-07-02 06:04
Skyline is trying to run the program:
and you are getting an error because that file does not exist.