Importing decoys bart van puyvelde  2018-05-07 05:13
We would like to use our own decoy spectra (generated using an in-house script) in the mProphet model.

Is there a possibility to do this?

Kind regards,
Bart Van Puyvelde
PhD student
Lab of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Ghent University
Brendan MacLean responded:  2018-05-07 07:19
I did some work on this for a while in order to support exact testing of mProphet gold standard data sets, but we didn't really keep pushing it, because our testing didn't seem to indicate any benefit and no one has requested it since, until now.

Can you describe a little better what is unique about your decoy generation and why it is important for you to have this feature?

I assume you have tried what is currently implemented and found it lacking in some way? If so, I would need a bit more information and probably an example of what you are trying to import.

bart van puyvelde responded:  2018-05-08 05:09
I think there is nothing really special compared with other decoy generation methods, but we were just curious if it could have an effect on mProphet.

We will rely on the testing results you have found.

Thank you for the answer,

Kind regards,