issue with normalization ratio jfidelin  2018-04-25 06:40
Skyline Daily v., Instrument: Thermo QE+.
For all our metabolites (analyzed using polarity switch), we have defined a normalization method: Ratio to surrogate. The ‘normalizer’ is a heavy labelled amino acid.
When working with many samples (40) we have observed that for ONLY some metabolites NO normalized ratio are reported.
We believe we see the following pattern: normalized values are not available for metabolites that only appear in one polarity mode. The Ratio to surrogate is measured in both positive and negative modes.
Using only one raw file (one sample), we cannot reproduce the problem.

We have attached an .csv file with an data example: Look for '02_carnitine' (line #2148 to #2221) as an example of missing normalization but signals in positive mode.

Will be glad to share .sky file

Very best, Justine and henrik
Nick Shulman responded:  2018-04-25 07:08
Is this a multiple injection replicate?
When Skyline looks for the surrogate standard peak area for a particular analyte, Skyline will only look at peak areas that came from the same result file.

We also had a problem in Skyline 4.1 where, even if a standard was measured in all of the injections in a particular replicate, the standard would only be assigned an area for one of those injections (whichever injection had a peak closest to the explicit retention time). This bug has been fixed in Skyline-Daily, so I do not expect that it would be affecting you.

You should probably send us your Skyline document and raw files.

In Skyline, you can use the menu item:
File > Share > (complete)
to create a .zip file containing your Skyline document and supporting files.

If that .zip file is less than 50MB, you can attach it to this support request.
Otherwise, you can upload it here:

Please also send us some of your raw files.
jfidelin responded:  2018-04-25 07:33
Is not a multiple injection replicate.

I shared my extraction results with the name of the file is 'results for skyline team' on sharing support
Nick Shulman responded:  2018-04-25 12:33
I am going to need to see your Skyline document in order to figure out what is going wrong.

In Skyline, you can use the menu item:
File > Share > (complete)
to create a .zip file containing your Skyline document and supporting files including extracted chromatograms.

Can you send me that .zip file?
jfidelin responded:  2018-04-25 13:05
done see 'Untargeted_polar_BACK_UP_2018_04_18' document
Nick Shulman responded:  2018-04-25 14:37
It still does not look like you sent me the correct file.
You sent me a .sky file, but that is for some Skyline document that does not have any results in it.
jfidelin responded:  2018-04-26 06:29

I am sorry but I can not send you the file with the results because they contain the name of the samples, and it's kind of confidential !
jfidelin responded:  2018-04-26 11:06
I shared a dataset without name see MS184399QEM_Ross_Birsoy_utargeted
Nick Shulman responded:  2018-04-26 17:16
It looks like you uploaded a .skyd file.

You should upload a file.

You might be having trouble with the fact that Microsoft Windows hides the filename extensions for some of the files. Here is a page which talks about how to show filename extensions in Windows Explorer:
jfidelin responded:  2018-04-27 10:33
I uploaded with the file.

with the same name

Thank you for your help
Nick Shulman responded:  2018-04-27 11:31
In Skyline, you need to check the checkbox that is on the menu item:
Settings > Integrate All

When "Integrate All" is turned off, Skyline will refuse to integrate transition peaks that are even slightly off-center from the other transitions in the peak group. This is useful if you are designing an SRM experiment, and want to be informed about transitions that might have interference.
However, if you are doing any sort of quantification, then you definitely want to have "Integrate All" turned on.

We have plans to make this feature much less confusing in the next release of Skyline.
jfidelin responded:  2018-04-27 14:00
I activated 'integrate all' and it works.
thank you very much for your help