Unique Modifications kerry hassell  2018-04-19 09:17
Hello, I can not seem to get the right mass for Goserelin in Skyline:

Pyr is a saved modification, but can not get 1269 m/z.

Can you please help?

Brendan MacLean responded:  2018-04-19 10:41
Hi Kerry,
Can you give us your definition for this modification? Its m/z, of course, will depend on the charge state. e.g. Label:13C(6)15N(2) (C-term K) is 8 Da, but 4 m/z on a doubly charged precursor.

You should see the neutral monoisotopic and average calculated masses in the Edit Structural Modification form where you are defining your modification. (see attached PNG file) If you could post a similar screenshot of your modification definition, that would help a lot.
