LOD and LOQ determination method Wael  2018-04-17 00:20
Dear Skyline team,
as a skyline user I am very grateful for the newly implemented LOD calculation feature (blank SD-based) in Skyline-daily. Based on a paper from Steven A Carr group (BMC Bioinformatics. 2012; 13(Suppl 16): S9) it was shown that calculating LOD (LOD = μB +t(1-β) (σB + σS)/√n) by using blank-SD (σB) and low concentration sample-SD (σS) consistently produces more confident LOD values for most practical purposes in comparison to blank-SD methods. We have also observed the same in our lab.

Will it be possible to integrate different LOD calculation method in future in Skyline ?

Best regards
Wael Naboulsi
Nick Shulman responded:  2018-04-18 11:30
Do you have a Skyline document with some example data in it?
Have you performed this calculation yourself on any of your data, and could you give me the results that you got, so when I implement this, I can check my answers?

Is there a name for this formula?

It would be helpful if you could send me your Skyline document.
In Skyline, you can use the menu item:
File > Share > (complete)
to create a .zip file containing your Skyline document and supporting files including extracted chromatograms.

If that .zip file is less than 50MB you can attach it to this support request.
Otherwise, you can upload it here:
Brendan MacLean responded:  2018-04-18 11:41
Here is a link to the paper, Nick.


It is the base citation for QuaSAR. So, I imagine we could try the tutorial data for QuaSAR, but it would also be good to get new data with expected results from Wael.

Thanks for helping to get this worked out in Skyline.
Wael responded:  2018-04-20 00:12
attached is an example for a calibration curve. you can find all details in the ppt/ skyline folder.
@Nick yes, I perform the calculation my self, I usually use the "acutal/calculated concentration" generated from skyline based on the curve for my calculations (attached ppt).
The only issue in this procedure is the negative/ missing blank values, but this is problematic for all methods I think. maybe you have an idea how to deal with that.

I dont know the name of the formula but as Brendan said it is in QuaSAR paper.

hope this helps
