Plotting correlation between two transition of same peptide or two peptides of same protein abasit  2018-02-23 23:41
Hi Skyline,

I am wondering, can I plot the peak area from the two transition of the same peptide (say fragment 1 versus fragment 2) to see the correlation between the peak area of the two transitions.

In the same way, can I see the correlation between the peak area of the two peptides of the same protein in skyline.

Right now I am plotting the correlation in excel after exporting the data from skyline but it will be useful if I can do the same in skyline.

Thank you.

Abdul Basit
University of Washington, Seattle.
Brendan MacLean responded:  2018-03-06 18:58
Interesting idea. Thanks for posting your feedback. Would you mind posting an example screenshot from Excel? Maybe something multiple examples where the correlation is good and others where you feel it indicates a problem?

This feature is not immediately available, as you may have noticed. But, if it looks useful enough it may show up in the future.

Thanks again.

abasit responded:  2018-03-06 22:15
Thanks Brendan for the followup.

Here I am attaching 2 slides to explain why correlation between fragments is good to check the quality of the data. The same way it is applicable to correlation between two peptides from the same protein.
Please follow the slides.

Brendan MacLean responded:  2018-04-29 16:44
I agree. Looks pretty interesting. Probably this will show up eventually, but it will have to wait for the right opportunity. Probably I will have an intern implement it when the opportunity arises.

Thanks for the suggestion and the PowerPoint slides.
