add multiple modifications on a sequence at the same time Jongmin Choi  2018-02-05 14:23
We have multiple modification such as phosphorylation on 1~2 sites and acetylation or oxidation together.

Actually, I have big phospho-peptide list, so I don't want to add modification one by one.

Is there any of short way to make multiple modification? Or if I can import a chart or file including sequence list with modification, it will be better.


Nick Shulman responded:  2018-02-05 14:34
When you do:
Edit > Insert > Peptides
you can specify that certain peptides are modified using square brackets with the mass of the modification.

For instance:

Skyline will look at the modifications that you have listed in:
Settings > Peptide Settings > Modifications
and figure out which modification is meant by that number.

If you want to have two modifications on the same amino acid, we do recommend that you go to:
Settings > Peptide Settings > Modifications
and define a single modification (e.g. "Acetylation and Oxidation") which is the combination of the chemical formula of the two modifications (it sounds like that would be "C2H2O2") that you want on the amino acid.