Cannot display multiple peptides across replicates using the fredrik edfors  2018-02-01 03:02

Just found out that I cannot display multiple peptides at the same time in the same Replicate Comparison view since the last update. The y-axis automatically goes to 10^306 when normalizing to heavy. The non-normalised function does still work however. Cannot zoom in either.

Thanks in advance,

Nick Shulman responded:  2018-02-01 14:17
Thanks for reporting this bug!

Skyline is confused about what to do about the heavy precursors under the peptide when doing the "Ratio to Heavy". Instead of skipping them, Skyline ends up averaging in an invalid numeric value, which results in the behavior that you see.
As far as I can tell, this "Ratio to Heavy" never worked correctly with multiple peptide view (I don't see anything that might have changed to cause this behavior).
I will try to fix this.