Peptides sorted alphabetically and report out kerry hassell  2018-01-18 09:46

Is there anyway to sort the peptide alphabetically? Also, when exporting a report with transition settings, can there be an area for all the transitions instead of individually?


Brendan MacLean responded:  2018-01-18 15:15
Hi Kerry,
There is no command in Skyline for sorting peptides alphabetically in the Targets view, but you can use the Document Grid and then just click the peptide sequence column header to sort (and filter).

I highly recommend having a look at the Custom and Live Reports tutorial:

With the Document Grid and Live Reports, you can do a lot more than just export reports for use with other software.

You can definitely work with individual transition peak areas either exported or live in the Document Grid. If you install the MSstats tool, it will install its MSstats Input report, which is one example that uses the individual transition peak areas.

Hope this helps. Thanks for posting to the Skyline support board.
