Problems when Skyline-Files are used by serveral people or on different computers Sebastian Malchow  2018-01-15 02:22
Hi Sykline Team,

thanks for the great work and the recent update!

Im trying to setup method/assay development in a somehow regulated environment.
This includes that different people work on different computers on the same Skyline file.

Unfortunately some details of the file are always stored somewhere else than the in the file itself.
A colleauge prepared a file for me, including a certain set of spectral libraries.
She put the files and libraries into certain folder we defined beforehand.
When I open the file its loaded as expected, but when I check where Skyline looks for the library I noticed that the folder is different from the speified folder. I used the same library-file from a different folder before and Skyline suddenly uses the old path to the library. This is problematic, because I expect that Skyline would use the file and path which was specified before by my colleauge. This way we try to make sure that we always have all libraries in the right place over the next ~10 years.

Its not hepling to use the File -> Share dialouge. Skyline is still using a different path to a certain library than the one to the unzipped folder...

Another possibility would be to store all libraries in one spot, but I worry that this will be problematic when we work with several people on Skyline files using the same files as libraries.

I hope you can help with this issue or can give an advice how to circumvent it.
