SWATH Ion Library with controlled Protein FDR% andrea armirotti  2018-01-04 07:41
Hello guys
Thanks for the great work you're doing with Skyline.
I'm wondering if I can use it to add quality to SWATH ion libraries. I mean the following: I want to 1) Acquire fractionated DDA data on a given proteome 2) Use a NON Protein Pilot software to search for IDs. I want to use a software that gives active control of protein FDR by searching Vs a decoy db (Mascot? MaxQuant?) 3) Retrieve the list of proteins at 1% FDR and import it back into Skyline 4) Export the transition list back into a .txt file that the SWATH microapp in Peakview can read.
I recently acquired a set of DDA data that I searched with MASCOT. I then imported it in Skyline as .dat and I now have my Skyline library with my peptide and transition settings. How do I convert it back into a txt? I understand I can't do it directly fron Skyline.
I tried the BiblioSpec workflow: BlibBuild to create the library from the .dat, then BlibFilter to remove PSM redundancy, then what? Is this the right path to obtain a .txt list of transitions usable with Peakview?
Many many thanks for your support
Nick Shulman responded:  2018-01-04 17:15
I am not sure that I understand your question.

Are you saying that you have successfully created a Skyline document which contains all of the peptides and transitions that you are interested in? Are you having trouble exporting a transition list?
Skyline has a menu item "File > Export > Transition List" which you can use to export a transition list that can be read by different types of instruments. Or, if you want to export lists of data in general, you can create a Report. You might want to take a look at the Custom Reports tutorial:

Skyline does a lot of work to turn the data which is in a BiblioSpec library into a list of transitions. The observed spectra are stored in the .blib file as compressed lists of mz/intensity.
If you have told Skyline to use the best transitions from the library ("Settings > Transition Settings > Library > If a library spectrum is available, pick its most intense ions"), then Skyline predicts the fragmentation of the peptide sequence and sees which of those m/z values was observed in the spectrum in order to determine which transitions to add to your document.

Can you show us an example of what you want your text file to look like?

Also, it might help if you showed us your Skyline document.
In Skyline, you can use the menu item:
File > Share > (Complete)
to create a .zip file containing your Skyline document and supporting files, including spectral libraries.

You can upload that .zip file here: