Only quantitative transitions Tomas Vaisar  2017-11-27 11:15
Could somebody comment on how to set/define "Only Quantitative" transitions and how to use them? This is a new feature which seems to be very useful, but lacks info on how it is implemented in Skyline.


Nick Shulman responded:  2017-11-27 12:01
In the Document Grid, you can mark a transition as not being quantitative.
If you choose the view called "Transitions", there's a checkbox column called "Quantitative". If you uncheck that, then a transition is marked as non-quantitative.
Non-quantitative transitions are displayed as dotted lines in the chromatogram graph. Also, non-quantitative transitions do not have their peak areas added to things such as the Total Area on a Precursor Result.
Tomas Vaisar responded:  2017-11-27 13:10
Thanks Nick. Yet another great feature.