Splitting view by sample groups Tomas Vaisar  2017-11-23 07:32
Brendan et al,
I was wondering if it is possible to split views, i.e. Peak Area-Replicate Comparison, by a defined Document group - for example, if I have calibration samples, quality control samples and unknowns it would be great to be able to have them displayed in separate panes. Is something like this possible now? (I could not find a way to do it - I know you have show averages by group, and that you can group/arrange by the group, but separate panes would be handy - when you have a lot of samples then just ordering by group gets hard to see where each group starts even on a large display).

Brendan MacLean responded:  2017-11-24 06:05
Hi Tomas,
Interesting idea. I think I get what you are requesting, but it would help if you could provide a mock-up screenshot of what you have in mind so that I can be sure I know what you would ideally like to see.


Tomas Vaisar responded:  2017-11-27 11:00

Here is a rather poor rendition of what I have in mind. Basically - when you have groups assigned, then you would be able to generate a separate panel of the Peak Areas - Replicate comparison in order to quickly see how your QCs and perhaps Calibrants (standards) look like among a large set of samples we often have 50-100 or more samples in the Document and it would be great to see how your QCs are doing during an experiment which may run over a week. There is of course the AutoQC, but to be able to see it directly in Skyline with your other data would be very helpful.
And I am sure for comparison of groups it would may also have utility.

I have one more suggestion - in the chromatogram view, when you have split view and your upper and lower y-axes end up on a vastly different scale (mainly if one of them is less than 10^3, the there is a shift in x-axes and the peaks do not align. Cosmetic problem, but I think you should just go with scientific notation even below 10^3 and problem would be solved. Also if one y-axis scale is single digit and the other double digit you get the same problem, but not as pronounced.

In summary - thanks for a great piece of software. Indispensable tool. I can't imagine to be able to do what we do without it.

Brendan MacLean responded:  2017-12-03 19:30
Thanks, Tomas. I have posted an issue to track implementation of this.

As for your suggestion on using scientific notation, that was already suggested and implemented (by my son Alex during a summer internship). You just need to go to the Tools > Options - Display tab and check "Always use scientific notation".

Hope that helps. Thanks for your suggestion and the mock-up.

Brendan MacLean responded:  2017-12-03 19:30