Adding heavy/ISTD area to results/document grid dawn.r.dufield  2017-08-17 13:48
We would like to be able to add a column to the current document grid or results grid which contains the heavy or ISTD area (not just the ratio). We like to be able to look at the ISTD response for a given sample/replicate without having to backcalculate from the ratio of light to heavy. Seems like skyline knows this area since it shows up for the heavy transition area, but would be more efficient to just have it as a choice in a column with the light or precursor analyte. This is useful for both small and peptide quant.
Brendan MacLean responded:  2017-08-26 14:09
Sorry, we didn't respond to this. If it is the area for multiple isotope label types you want (light, heavy, 15N, etc.) then you should be able to use the "Pivot Isotope Label" checkbox in the View/Report editor. I am not totally clear that you can get exactly what you want (a separate column for both numerator and denominator of the ratio) for every type of normalization, but it certainly should be the case for reference standards.

Are you still having issues with this?