Need to batch-extract the EICs or XICs juliec0211  2017-08-16 00:42

Is there any way to batch-extract the extracted ion chromatograms (EICs or XICs) for all quantified peptides (quantifier transition of light and heavy). I didn't find the option for related output in Skyline.
Thanks a lot.

Brendan MacLean responded:  2017-08-16 07:57
Hi Julie,
At the moment, your only bulk option for XICs in Skyline is File > Export > Chromatograms. Nick is thinking about how this might be better integrated with the Skyline reports, but the File > Export > Chromatograms function is successfully in use by others. Hope it suits your needs.

Thanks for posting your question to the Skyline support board.

juliec0211 responded:  2017-08-18 22:02
Hi Brendan,

Thanks for the response!
We get .tsv file from File > Export > Chromatograms, and trying to re-generate the chromatograms now. The figure presentation is Skyline is really clear and concise (we like this so much). We hope that the figure-exported reports will be integrated in Skyline soon. Looking forward to it.
