incresing the number of decimal in report? Antoine  2017-08-14 08:29

Is there a way to increase the number decimals of the time related values(e.g. RT and FWHM values) in reports?

So far it seems to be limited to 2 decimals and that can be problematic with UHPLC applications where a typical peak width is about 2 seconds.

In fact, I can extract non rounded to the second decimal RT/FWHM values if I "copy data" from the retention time graph. However,it is a quite tedious process with large data sets.

I would be grateful if someone as a solution to share.

Thank you

Nick Shulman responded:  2017-08-14 09:02
Yes, if you go to:
File > Export > Report
and choose "Invariant" as the language, then the numbers will all be formatted to as many decimal places as necessary.

After you choose "Invariant" as the language on the Export Report dialog, you can either choose "Preview" to bring up something that looks like the Document Grid but displays numbers formatted to more decimal places, or you could export to a comma separated file.