More Keyboard Shortcuts zane  2017-06-21 09:42
Hi guys,

I go through LARGE data sets on Skyline routinely. RSI is a real problem in these cases. Currently, the only way I know how to remove peaks, is to do a mouse-click, another mouse-click, and a final mouse-click going through the standard way. Is there an option for peak removal that's a hot key? (example: ctrl+r removes peak on current chromatogram).

The only short-cuts I know of for keyboards are to scroll through the chromatograms :)

Thanks in advance!
tobias.kockmann responded:  2017-07-06 03:47
Hi Jess,

I am going through the same process - manual peak group review - and propper keyboard shortcuts would be extremely helpful!

In addition, a hotkey to remove peaks from all chromatograms would be cool.

Brendan MacLean responded:  2017-07-06 08:16
Kaipo is working on keyboard shortcuts for "Remove Peak" and "Apply Peak to All", which be control-shift-R and control-shift-A respectively. Control-R is already Edit > Manage Results and control-A is "Select All" in many applications and Skyline also.

We'll also look into writing a small tool to convert our keyboard short-cuts (all of which are shown on the main menus) to a flat file as further documentation.

Thanks for the feedback.

Brendan MacLean responded:  2017-09-24 12:05
These are not available in Skyline-daily, and they will be in the next release.
Brendan MacLean responded:  2017-09-24 13:25
Oops. Typo. These are NOW available in Skyline-daily.