Suggestion for graph arrangement stolltho  2017-02-15 19:49
Hi Brendan
Since I struggled a bit w/ the arrangement of graph grouping, I'd like to suggest a 'customized extension' of that function as shown in the attachment. The existing 'gaph grouping' function did not arrange the graphs the way I wanted and manually re-orgaisation is too cumbersome.
Brendan MacLean responded:  2017-02-15 20:22
Hi Thomas,
Thanks for the suggestion. How about we allow you to group the graphs by a replicate annotation, as we allow grouping of the summary graphs, especially Peak Areas. That way you could annotate your replicates, as you have described in your Word document, and then chose the annotation for your grouping, which, as I mention, would be consistent with other grouping already in Skyline.

Seem like it would work for your need, or is this such a fleeting idea of grouping that setting up the annotation would be more hassle than it is worth. Otherwise, are you suggesting that we show you another form with a grid containing numbers up to the number of panes you request and let you annotate the grouping right there? (which sounds like more work for us, and maybe for someone with a more long-lasting concept of replicate grouping)

Let us know what you think.
