"F:\R_Repository\R-3.5.0\bin\R.exe" -f "C:\Users\new\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0\Y52V942A.Z2E\WXV5ODRV.49K\skyl..tion_e4141a2a22107248_0013.0001_f6e2bff174ff9e23\Tools\MSstats-3.13.6\MSStatsQC.r" --slave --args "C:\Users\new\AppData\Local\Temp\MSstats_Data_Processing_MSstats_Input.csv" 1 FALSE TRUE TRUE 10 10 ================================================================ ** Loading the required statistical software packages in R ..... ======================================= ** Reading the data for MSstats..... ** iRT proteins/peptides are removed. ** Peptides, that are used in more than one proteins, are removed. Error in SkylinetoMSstatsFormat(raw, removeProtein_with1Feature = TRUE, : ** Please check precursors information. If your experiment is DIA, please remove the precursors. If your experiments is DDA, please check the precursor information. Can't finish analysis.