Installing AvG Tomas Vaisar  2019-07-02 11:30

I am trying to install AvG and I already having R 3.6 installed on my computer. However, AvG always wants to install R-3.5.2. Is there a way to point it to the current R installation and only install the required packages?



bart van puyvelde responded:  2021-01-18 08:25

Hi Tomas,

I am encountering a similar problem. Have you heard back from Skyline in order to resolve the issue?


Tomas Vaisar responded:  2021-01-18 09:33

Bart, got no response.Gave up on it. I have had similar problem with other Skyline external tools - inability to point to already existing R installation even if the same or newer than required one are already installed.


Nick Shulman responded:  2021-01-18 09:47
External tools in Skyline always need to use the specific version of R which the tool says it uses.
AvG uses R version 3.5.2

You can have more than one version of R installed on your computer at the same time.
If you do not have the necessary version of R on installed when you add the tool to Skyline, Skyline will try to install R for you.

If anything goes wrong when Skyline tries to install R, you might have better luck if you install R yourself. When you install R, make sure that the box "Save version number in the registry" is checked.
When Skyline notices that the correct version of R is already installed, Skyline will skip that step and go onto the next step which is running an R script to install the necessary packages.

External tools are zip files which have text files in the "tool-inf" directory which tell Skyline which version of R the tool requires. In theory, you could change those text files in that .zip file to change which version of the R the tool uses.
-- Nick
Tomas Vaisar responded:  2021-01-18 10:11
HI Nick,
Thanks a lot for the response. I've already got multiple versions of R on my computer and hoped to minimize the number in order to also keep the maintenance of the packages simpler.
But it's been awhile I tried the AvG install, but I believe I had the 3.5.2 at that time and it still did not install. The note about the "Same version number in the registry" might explain why it did not work.
I will give it a shot again and perhaps try to modify the text file to force newer version of R.

