Skyline-daily (64-bit) (6dbba07d9) cannot load the library.tsv file from EasyPQP

Skyline-daily (64-bit) (6dbba07d9) cannot load the library.tsv file from EasyPQP fcyu  2021-06-02 08:32

The library.tsv file from EasyPQP is in OpenSWATH format. But when loading it in Skyline, it says "the file F:\dev\msfragger\test_skyline\library.tsv is not a supported spectral library file format.". According to, it should support OpenSWATH tsv file.

I put an example of library.tsv in the attachment. Could you please take a look when you have time?



Kaipo Tamura responded:  2021-06-02 08:48

Hi Fengchao,

This doesn't look like the OpenSWATH files we have seen in the past. Normally we expect these columns:

  • filename
  • RT
  • FullPeptideName
  • Charge
  • m/z
  • decoy
  • aggr_Peak_Area
  • aggr_Fragment_Annotation
  • m_score

and optionally these ones:

  • ProteinName
  • leftWidth
  • rightWidth

Additionally, to build spectral libraries, Skyline requires results files that have some type of probability scores (e.g. q-values) and a way to map results to a spectrum file (e.g. filename and scan number). If you have that information, it should be possible to generate a generic ssl file ( input and output file formats) that can be used to build a library.


fcyu responded:  2021-07-15 09:31

Hi Kaipo,

Thanks for your reply.

I am trying another approach to import this library file through File -> Import -> Assay Library. Unfortunately, I get another error says: Precursor m/z 300.8289 does not match the closest possible value 295.4972 (delta = 5.3317), peptide MALLHSGR. Check the Modification tab in the Peptide Settings, the m/z types on the Prediction tab, or the m/z match tolerance on the Instrument tab of the Transition Settings.

The corresponding row is

PrecursorMz ProductMz Annotation ProteinId GeneName PeptideSequence ModifiedPeptideSequence PrecursorCharge LibraryIntensity NormalizedRetentionTime PrecursorIonMobility FragmentType FragmentCharge FragmentSeriesNumber FragmentLossType
300.828851 175.118953 y1^1 P00505 GOT2 MALLHSGR M(UniMod:35)ALLHSGR 3 1503.963184 -28.72662465768476 y 1 1

It seems that Skyline cannot recognize the Unimod notation (UniMod:35).

Could you please tell me how to solve this issue?



Kaipo Tamura responded:  2021-07-15 11:07

Hi Fengchao,

First you will need to ensure that the necessary modifications are added (through Settings > Peptide Settings > Modifications, as the error mentions).

Then, normally you would be able to use "[UniMod:##]" format but it looks like there is a bug preventing this from working. As a workaround for the time being you can use a text editor to find and replace the UniMod strings with the modification masses, e.g.:

  • oxidation: replace "(UniMod:35)" with "[+16.0]"
  • carbamidomethylation: replace "(UniMod:4)" with "[+57.0]"

And retry the import after the replacements have been made.


fcyu responded:  2021-07-15 12:07

Hi Kaipo,

Thanks for your prompt reply.

Your suggestions work for those modifications now. But I have new errors:
Precursor m/z 351.1602 does not match the closest possible value 350.4883 (delta = 0.6719), peptide EREMAEMR. Check the Modification tab in the Peptide Settings, the m/z types on the Prediction tab, or the m/z match tolerance on the Instrument tab of the Transition Settings.

The row is like

PrecursorMz ProductMz Annotation ProteinId GeneName PeptideSequence ModifiedPeptideSequence PrecursorCharge LibraryIntensity NormalizedRetentionTime PrecursorIonMobility FragmentType FragmentCharge FragmentSeriesNumber FragmentLossType
351.16016099999996 306.15943799999997 y2^1 P02545 LMNA EREMAEMR EREMAEMR 3 10000.0 3.363432645878369 y 1 2

The m/z difference (351.1602 vs 350.4883 ) is from isotope errors (we have isotope error 0/1/2 during the search). Could you please provide any suggestions or solutions to this issue?

Another question I would like to ask is that do you have any suggestion regarding the library format that can be natively supported by Skyline? The file I am using is from EasyPQP without any file name or scan name information because those are consensus spectra.



fcyu responded:  2021-07-15 12:27

Hi Kaipo,

I figured out the isotope error issue. But I have another one (sorry that I have so many questions):
Failed to explain all transitions for SVVLMSHLGRPDGVPMPDK m/z 513.5158 with a single set of modifications

The row is

PrecursorMz ProductMz Annotation ProteinId GeneName PeptideSequence ModifiedPeptideSequence PrecursorCharge LibraryIntensity NormalizedRetentionTime PrecursorIonMobility FragmentType FragmentCharge FragmentSeriesNumber FragmentLossType
513.515771 724.887564 b14^2 P00558 PGK1 SVVLMSHLGRPDGVPMPDK SVVLMSHLGRPDGVPM[+15.994900]PDK 4 110.350824 29.329321355011768 b 2 14

The b14^2 ion do have 724.8876 Th. I am not sure what causes this error.

Thank in advance for your help.



Kaipo Tamura responded:  2021-07-16 10:26

Hi Fengchao,

I don't see that line in the tsv - is it from the same one you uploaded earlier?


fcyu responded:  2021-07-16 10:55

Hi Kaipi,

I am sorry for the confusion. Yes, it is from another library. I put it alone with Skyline files in the attachment.

Thanks again for your time and help,


Kaipo Tamura responded:  2021-07-28 12:03

Hi Fengchao,
Skyline is having trouble with certain sequences that have two modifications on the same amino acid, e.g.:
which Skyline interprets as
There are 35 lines like this in the uploaded file - you can replace these instances with a single modification that combines the formula of both modifications (something like C[+99.032064]DAFVGTWK and create a corresponding modification in Skyline).

There does also appear to be some sequences missing the carbamidomethyl modification, which will result in errors like this:
Precursor m/z 372.4297 does not match the closest possible value 358.1743 (delta = 14.2554), peptide CTAGTLHNLSHHR. Check the Modification tab in the Peptide Settings, the m/z types on the Prediction tab, or the m/z match tolerance on the Instrument tab of the Transition Settings.
After adding a +57 mass shift to the cysteines the errors went away. Hope that helps.
