dotp label stephen swatkoski  2019-06-06 07:50


Is there a way to turn off the dotp labeling of chromatographic peaks? For my dataset, it appears that some XICs have a dotp label along with the mass accuracy and retention time labels, but others do not. Please see attached slide.


Nick Shulman responded:  2019-06-06 11:41
On the chromatogram graph, Skyline only displays dot products that are greater than 0.5.
Also (not applicable to your screenshot), for peaks other than that currently chosen peak, Skyline only displays dot products which are better than the dot product of the currently chosen peak.

-- Nick
stephen swatkoski responded:  2019-06-06 11:54

Thank you for the quick response. What I am asking is if there is a way to turn off the dotp labels. I am preparing a figure for a manuscript and would like to remove it.

Brendan MacLean responded:  2019-06-06 11:58
But, Skyline also only shows the dotp values on the selected peak when there is at least one other peak in the chromatograms with a better dotp value. Hard to imagine where such a peak would be in the plots you have chosen. Perhaps down in the lower intensity data somewhere? It looks like you may also have turned off the retention time labels for all but the best peak and the integration boundary dashed vertical lines.

I can't see an option to turn this off. Sorry. We can add one.

Nick Shulman responded:  2019-06-06 14:35

Do you know about the "Copy Metafile" right-click menu item? You can paste that metafile into PowerPoint, then convert it to a Microsoft Drawing object, and then you will probably be able to delete the dotp things.

(There's also "Copy Data" where you can paste the data into Excel and then plot the chromatogram as a scatter plot).

ztflaten responded:  2019-07-10 07:46
Hey Skyline Team,

I have a similar question to Steve. Is there a way to always display the dotp value on selected peaks in the chromatogram? I would like to be able to check that quickly when looking at multiple samples without having to expand the peptide and toggle between samples.


Brendan MacLean responded:  2019-07-10 08:00
Hi Zach,
Not yet. It should get displayed above each bar in the Peak Areas - Replicate Comparison plot when you have enough space, and you can use the Results Grid or Document Grid to review it over multiple replicates and even multiple analytes at a time.

Hope this helps. Expect this feature in the future, but we don't have it yet, and there are (I think) better ways to achieve what you need on a larger scale.

ztflaten responded:  2019-07-10 08:20
Hey Brendan,

I forget it is displayed in the peak areas plot- I'll have to rearrange my display and use that more. Good to hear to it will be available in future versions, though.

Thanks for the speedy response!
